The users of my phpBB instance running on my server were greeted with

SQL-ERROR [mysqli]

The table „phpbb_login_attempts“ is full. [1114]

while I was greeted with greeted with

ERROR 3 (HY000): Error writing file './phpbb_4/phpbb_sessions.frm' (Errcode: 28 "No space left on device")

So - ho...


I have a home full of KNX controlled color temperature tunable devices. I then added my first Tasmota controlled (non KNX) device. Goal was to have the same color on both, KNX and Tasmota controlled devices.

Approaches that didn't suffice

The LED I wanted to set has a range from 270...


After ten years of almost continuous opperation, the Disk Pool of my Windows Server 2021 was showing a "degraded" ⚠ sign. Much happened since then: Docker and containerization became popular, my data amount grew due too 4k video editing, and building a new PC is generally always a lot of fun....

Smoker building tutorial, DIY smoker (Octasmoker)

You want to build your own Smoker? You'll learn about we thought are important features, why we built what we've built, how we built it (including the required tools and material) and what we probably would do different the next time. This was prob...

Alle Hantelbänke ausverkauft? Bau dir deine eigene oder bestelle eine Ausfertigung von meiner - garantiert lieferbar!


  • Einstellbare Gradzahlen -17,8°, -10°, 0° (Normal und Verstärkung), 7.5°, 15°, 22,5°, 30°,35°,40°, 45°,50°,55°,60°,65°, 70°,75°, 82.5°
  • Sitz: 0°, 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°,...

Ihr wollt einen elektrischen Dreh-Spieß für euren Grill selber bauen? Der Kugelgrill von Weber ist nicht umsonst so beliebt: Das Grillgut gart im eigenen Fleischdampf. In diesem Artikel erkläre ich euch, wie ihr ein Spießmodul baut, das ihr einfach zwischen Deckel und Boden des Grills einsetzen könnt!

You want to build your own poker table and are looking for instructions? In the following I will explain step by step which materials and tools you need, how to build your racerack and rail and what else you need to know.

If you like the instructions, I would be very happy about a short comment :) Let's go!