Software and web technologies change fast. I always take a new project as a chance to scan the market for available options. My love to Vue goes deep, we just had the right chemistry from the first line of code. I would like to take Evan You's presentation from the latest Vue Conf as opportunity t...

Suppose, you have a File model, that is managing files for your django application and you want to have an easy way of obtaining an elements S3 bucket URL. How to do it?

If you ever needed to work with a lot of small files or needed more throughput than a usual SSD can offer, a RAM disk is the way to go. Using the ImDisk Tool on Windows makes it incredidbly easy to setup a RAM disk, runs very stable and offer usefull functionalities like changing the disk size ad hoc without reformatting.

Intelli J IDEA is one of the most popular IDEs for Scala (and therefore Spark) development. Since a new Spark version is usually released every three months, an update to the current Spark and Hadoop version may be necessary from time to time.

Here’s my setup

  • Windows 7, x64 Workstation usin...

Ab und zu komme ich leider nicht Word herum…

Wer vor der Aufgabe steht, aus einem LaTeX-Dokument ein Word-Dokument zu machen (weil z.B. eine Tagung nur Dateien im Word-Format akzeptiert), ist schnell genervt, wenn alle Formatierungsanweisungen manuell geändert werden müssen.

Hier eine kleine Anl...